I even have a superstition that has grown on me
as the result of invisible hands
coming all the time..
Namely, that if you follow your bliss
you put yourself on a kind of track
that has been there all the while,
waiting for you.
And the life that you ought to be living,
is the one you ARE living.
-joseph campbell

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cami's Adoption Day

It was about this time in August of 2007, we traveled to China for our first time

and we met the sweetest baby in the world!

I wanted so badly to create a video that showed the heart of our story.
Instead, I ended up with a video tainted by so many technical problems,
it's hard to follow the story in places.

But I hope you will try.
During this special time,
as we celebrate Cami and who she was and all she has become,
I invite you go back with us to the beginning of our journey.

There are some places where the film freezes.
The music usually continues.
Please wait, and the video will resume.
(Like I said, there are some technical difficulties)
But it is still a treasure to us.


  1. This is a deeply moving video of the moments you met your lovely Cami. My tears flowed, somehow you captured not only the joy but the deeper poignant layers to the adoption journey. She is beautiful.

  2. Sherri,

    A very lovely video...truly moving. I have been on that bench with Olivia in my arms so I know what's in your heart for your beautiful girl. Adoption is a journey that we'll be on for the rest of our lives and one that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. Happy Anniversary with Miss Cami!

  3. Oh Shari...this is just beautiful! I love the songs and the way you put it all together. Cami's confused look on her first morning at the WS made my heart ache. I'm so glad you included the others. Happy Forever Family Day Cami!

  4. Perfect. Can't watch a moment like this without tearing up. And it struck me, that even though there were tears, our children must "know" we are their parents, that we love them on a cellular level.

    I love seeing how Cami has blossomed. I love that she still has those beautiful eyes that haunt you ... but now it's not with sadness. Beth

  5. REALLY amazing. i wish we had taken more video, around her province, etc. we were so inundated with things to carry, we seemed to always opt for the camera. a huge regret. i miss hearing the language. :)

    this is incredible. thanks for sharing it.

  6. So beautiful and touching. (Especially loved the music.) Glad I checked in today. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Sherri,
    Just a thought...Adoptive Families Circle is having a video contest. Yours is lovely. Here's the link if you want to check it out: http://www.adoptivefamiliescircle.com/videos/
